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Business Plans, Investment Projects and Feasibility Studies

Consultancy services for restructuring of fuel combustion plants owned by AB Vilniaus Šilumos Tinklai

Customer: KPMG Baltics, UAB
Years: 2012-2013

Analysis of activities of AB Vilniaus Šilumos Tinklai (Vilnius Heating Networks) and UAB Vilniaus Energija (Vilnius Energy). Forecast of heat demand in the City of Vilnius until 2030 was prepared. Technical assessment (audit) of existing facilities and infrastructure was performed. Operation capacity of the existing thermal and electric / heating units and the need for modernisation pursuant to Directive No 2010/75/EB was carried out.
The investment project for three alternatives selected was prepared: (i.) Technical specification of the most promising alternatives (max 3 units) (including the equipment layout plan, and general diagram), the assessment on the availability of the existing infrastructure, forecasting the demand for funds and preparation of the investment structure (schedule); (ii.) Preparation of the economic-financial indicators for the financial model; (iii.) Analysis of investment of the similar direction carried out in the region and the European Union, the comparison of the specific indicators of estimated and planned investments and operating costs with the public indicators of other similar investments; (iv.) Evaluation of the construction period, financing sources and conditions by experience of projects implemented in other similar markets; (iiv.) Preparation of detailed information and data for modelling of CAPEX indicators.